Join NeuroCARE

  • have, or are under investigation for, a neurological condition, such as multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, Parkinson’s or early-onset dementia
  • or, you attend an appointment at the Anne Rowling Clinic in Edinburgh
  • or, you are the carer or relative of someone who meets either of the options above
Two young male researchers standing in a darkened room looking and pointing at at a projection of a large colourful image of a human brain on a screen.

“I feel that joining NeuroCARE takes the burden off patients. I’m happy that researchers can use my medical records without me having to do anything, and I know that I’ll be told about new research projects without having to find them myself.”

Semi-transparent Anne Rowling Clinic tree motif.
cartoon syringedonate a blood sample
cartoon speech bubblerecord your voice on an App
cartoon light-bulbhelp design new research
cartoon padlockpermit researchers to access your routine NHS health data