For full information, please download and read the relevant participant information sheet.
Participant information sheets can be found at the top of each sign-up page.
What is NeuroCARE?
NeuroCARE is a secure database that contains information about people with neurological (brain) conditions in Scotland.
NeuroCARE only contains information from people who have consented to join.
Participation is entirely voluntary and whether or not you choose to join NeuroCARE will not influence your clinical care.
What is the purpose of NeuroCARE?
The information in NeuroCARE is used for research and audit.
Our ultimate aim is to improve quality of life for people living with neurological conditions in Scotland, and to identify new treatments for these disorders.
The best way for us to do this is to learn directly from people living with these neurological conditions.

What happens when I sign up?
By signing up to NeuroCARE, you give permission for your routine NHS healthcare data to be used in research.
In the optional modules, you can give your consent to provide additional information for research, such as by using smartphone Apps, brain imaging, or donating a biological sample like blood or saliva.
You can also choose if you wish to be contacted about research projects that are relevant to you, and let us know if you would like to be involved in helping shape future research.
Is my data secure?
Your data will be held on a secure NHS-approved server within the University of Edinburgh.
No identifiable data (e.g. your name, contact details or date of birth) is released to researchers outwith the NeuroCARE team.
We take every measure to ensure data security, including compliance with UK GDPR, University and NHS Scotland standards.
Who leads NeuroCARE?
NeuroCARE is led by the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic. The Anne Rowling Clinic is a patient-centred, integrated care and research facility that is a partnership between the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian.
The Anne Rowling Clinic was founded by author J.K. Rowling in memory of her mother, Anne.
Find out more about the Anne Rowling Clinic at